COSHH and Risk Assessment Training

 3rd May 2012, 10am to 4pm

THIS IS FULL – but if you are interested please apply and we’ll let you know of the next date. 

At Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green. London. E2 6HG

a FREE one-day course aimed at those working with or likely to work with chemicals (e.g. cleaners), their supervisors and anyone who is likely to come in contact with chemicals at home and/or in the workplace. The course will focus on the following areas:

  • COSHH regulation
  • Hazardous substances
  • Safety data sheets
  • Risks, hazards and people at risk
  • Analysing and evaluating risks
  • Controlling risks
  • Safe working
  • COSHH and Risk register

If interested in this course, please send the full names and contact details of all attendees to  or call 0207 794 5999.




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