Health & Safety at TUC 2012
C16 Health and safety at work
General background text: TUC 2012 Health& Safety at Work
Congress therefore calls on the General Council to:
i) mount a vigorous political, public and industrial campaign to prevent the weakening of health and safety laws and to support the right of all workers to enjoy effective health and safety protection, regardless of their employment status or workplace
ii) support a lobby of the government to review and revise the decision to cut the Health and Safety Executive budget by 35 per cent. Undertaking action to reverse this trend would be in the best interests of both employees and employers.
Congress rejects claims that health and safety is a burden on workplaces as there cannot be a price put on saving lives. Everyone should be entitled to the dignity of the safest workplace possible.
iii) register opposition to the self-employed safety exemption with government, and directly with Professor Löfstedt before he presents a followup report to the DWP in January 2013
iv) promote an extension of Section 8 of the Safety Representatives’ Regulations 1977 to create more safety representatives among self-employed and freelance workers.
Mover: Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians
Seconder: Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union
Supporters: Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union, Prospect, Fire Brigades’ Union, NASUWT
Campaign Material