London Hazards Migrant Worker Project
Are you interested in working with us on this project? If you are please take a few minutes – less than 5 – to fill out our questionnaire:
Migrant Worker Project Survey
Thank you.
The need for the project
Newly arrived migrants, are known to work in dangerous sectors — such as construction; and also in contract cleaning, hotels and catering, care services (HSE 2006 ) which have high percentages of women workers employed through Employment Agencies or given very temporary contracts. The workers don’t know their rights and are often afraid to complain.
The Equalities and Human Rights Commission (March 2010) found evidence of widespread mistreatment and exploitation of migrant workers in food processing and HSE (HSE Research Report 691, 2009) identifies many health and safety problems and says the language barrier is the biggest factor affecting risk especially when migrant workers are new to a particular workplace.
We are bidding for funding from London Councils & if we obtain it the Centre will develop:
• basic training throughout London concentrating on training for black, asian, minority ethic, refugee and migrant worker groups with a training pack geared to English as a second language, ESOL, needs.
• Translate current Factsheets: accident reporting, fire safety, welfare regulations, housing into several languages.
• a new format Factsheet — simpler and more visual – covering: manual handling, maternity hazards (for new and expectant mothers), asthma, dermatitis, cleaning chemicals, feeling the heat, working outside in the cold, agency workers and safety.