Asbestos in council and social housing
This link has been sent to us by Tony Whitston, Greater Manchester Asbestos Victim Support Group:
It tells the story of John Shiers a member of their group and a campaigner who recently died of mesothelioma. In the 1980s he also campaigned to get asbestos managed safely on his estate – the large Hulme estate in Manchester. It says:
“While the terminal disease is most commonly linked to exposure in the workplace, Mr Shiers and his closest family cannot think of anywhere other than his flat where he is likely to have come into contact with the substance.”
” Manchester Council has admitted a limited liability in this case, based on its role as a landlord – in one of the first cases of its kind in the country.”
London Hazards Centre deals with many tenant organisations throughout London on estates exactly like the Hulme estate who don’t know where asbestos is in their properties. Anyone worried can ring our confidential helpline: 020 7794 5999 will help as much as possible.