Crossrail safety dispute update

Crossrail – workers sacked for raising safety concerns – the dispute continues:

Crossrail update on youtube


Published on Nov 3, 2012 by 

The dispute over the sacking of 28 union members on the Crossrail project over health and safety concerns is now costing British taxpayers £30 million a DAY in missed targets and delays to the tunnel – that’s how much BFK (Bam,Ferrovial and Kier) are prepared to spend on keeping trade unions off the project while running an illegal blacklist. They are now resorting to violence and intimidation to try and break the pickets – but sacked steward Frank Morris comes up with an inspired method of standing up to the bullies.

Category: News & Politics

License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Alan Keays writes (16th November 2012):

Comrades the Eis dispute has now entered its 10th week the workers
have not been reinstated BFK and Crossrail have not budged an
inch.Unite the union have been doing good work behind the scenes and
have had talks with ACAS.The protests are continuing at Westbourne
Park and Oxford St , we have had a few one of f flashmob protests in the
evening causing chaos to the West End these can be seen on you tube
reel news films well worth a look the more hits the better.We are
extremley grateful to your support so far on the protests and
financial support has been magnificent your generosity has been
incredible thanks very much . Please keep donations coming in if you
possibly can. Cheques payable to joint sites committee.send to Alan
Keays  70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford CM1 4XA.Your support is needed on the
protests as well if you can spare a couple of hours there was a great
turn out on 14th November at Oxford Street thanks for that , we could
do with numbers on the daily protests to support our sacked steward it
can be very lonely a one man picket .The Blacklist scandal is getting
worse by the day we are getting quite a bit of coverage in the press
now , the EIS dispute is Blacklisting in full force we cannot stand
back any longer comrades lets join together and put an end to
blacklisting once and for all .

No to blacklisting ! ,

No to union
busting !No more site deaths !Direct employment for all ! .

forward on this email many thanks in solidarity .Alan Keays”



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