Notice of AGM


The next annual general meeting of the London Hazards Centre Trust Ltd. will be on Saturday 4th March at 11am in the Diskus Conference Centre, Unite the Union, 128 Theobalds Rd, WC1X 8TN.

Any resolution for consideration at this meeting must be received by the secretary by 5pm on 3rd March 2020.


1. Attendance and apologies

2. Minutes of 2020 AGM and matters arising

3. Secretary’s report

4. Treasurer’s report

5. Election of members of board of trustees

6. Any other business.

After the normal formalities of the AGM (about 30 minutes), there will a number of speakers who have been invited to discuss the importance of safeguarding all women’s rights in general, and supporting Unite’s Get ME Home Safely campaign in particular.

After that, we hope you will join us for some food and drink to chat about working together better.

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