Whitechapel Tube Station: RMT steps up fight to keep Whitechapel ticket office

RMT is strongly opposed to plans to remove the ticket office at Whitechapel station as the Crossrail project progresses.

The plans totally ignore the fact that the station serves an area with a busy market and a major hospital and is known for its diverse local population, many of whom need staff support at an open ticket office rather than rely on ticket-issuing machines – machines that are vulnerable to vandalism.

RMT says  the closure of just one ticket office breaks the important principle that there is a staffed ticket office on every London Underground station and so could ‘open the floodgates’ to further closures.

Having defeated LU’s previous attempts to close ticket offices en mass, the union will not stand by and allow the company to close them one at a time. The union has made it clear that it will take whatever action is necessary, up to and including industrial action, to oppose this closure.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:  “RMT is concerned and we will fight this plan.

“RMT will be taking this political fight for the future of ticket offices straight to Boris Johnson, reminding him that he publicly pledged not to close tube ticket offices as part of his election campaign.”

RMT Press Release 20th June 2013

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